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Why choose Copper Clad Steel Strand Wire
 Jun 21, 2022|View:384

Copper-clad steel strands are made of a certain number of copper-clad steel single wires,As the name suggests, copper-clad steel is a copper-clad steel wire, so it is a composite wire with a copper layer wrapped around the steel wire. It uses the skin effect of low-voltage high-frequency signals to walk along the surface in the high-frequency area, so as long as the thickness of the copper layer reaches a certain range, The signal of a certain frequency band can be guaranteed to pass. Copper plays the role of conducting weak electrical signals, while steel wire plays a supporting role. According to the different methods of wrapping copper to steel wire, it is mainly divided into electroplating, cladding, hot casting/dipping and electroforming. The product combines the strength and toughness of steel with the good electrical conductivity and corrosion resistance of copper. Compared with copper single wire, it has the advantages of low density, high strength and low cost. It is a replacement product of traditional pure copper single wire.
Copper-clad steel strands and copper-clad steel strands can be used in general humid environments, saline-alkali soils, acidic soils, and special environments that produce chemically corrosive media, and can perform well in working grounding, protective grounding, and lightning protection grounding. Advantages of copper clad steel stranded wire compared with pure copper stranded wire 1. The attenuation of copper-clad steel stranded wire is smaller than that of pure copper stranded wire at high frequency, the transmission loss is small at high frequency, and the transmission efficiency is high; the electrical performance indicators are completed to meet the needs of the system, such as attenuation, return loss, characteristic impedance and other performance indicators Not less than pure copper core cable; 2. Under the same section and state, the mechanical strength of the copper-clad steel strand is twice that of the solid copper strand, and it can withstand large impacts and loads. High reliability and fatigue resistance, long service life; 3. Copper-clad steel strands can be made into cables with different electrical conductivity and tensile strength, and their properties include almost all the mechanical and electrical properties of copper alloys; 4. The copper-clad steel strand replaces copper with steel, which can reduce the cost of the wire and greatly reduce the consumption of copper, which is in line with the needs of a resource-saving society. Make copper-clad steel strands more and more popular;

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